Daily Manna
Blessings We Experience By Serving Others
Thursday, 2nd of March 2023
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At the core of our being, we all long for our lives to have purpose and impact. It's the driving force behind our pursuits and endeavours. We strive for advancement and leadership positions to make a meaningful contribution. Likewise, we encourage our children to pursue education and career success, hoping they will also have the opportunity to leave their mark on the world.
While wealth and influence can be positive assets, they are not the sole solution to creating real change. The reason we were created goes beyond worldly achievements and accolades. There is a deeper calling within us, one that compels us to seek out our unique purpose and contribute to the betterment of our world.
"Serve others by adding value to them," my mother would often say to me, my brother and my sister. These lessons from my mother have stayed with me throughout these years, guiding me in the call of God.
1. Serving allows us to discover and develop our spiritual gifts
The apostle Paul likened the church to a human body, where each member plays a vital role in fulfilling God's purpose. Just as our physical bodies have many parts that work together to function properly, the church comprises people with diverse skills and abilities, each serving a unique function. (1Corinthians 12:12)
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul teaches that no one person has all the gifts or abilities necessary to fully accomplish God's plan. Instead, we need each other, as all of our individual talents and strengths can be combined to create something beautiful and impactful. When we serve others, we can discover our unique gifts and develop them for the benefit of the larger body.
2.Serving allows us to experience miracles
The story of the wedding at Cana, as told in John 2, is a powerful reminder of how serving others can lead to experiencing miracles. In this story, Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding feast, where the hosts had run out of wine. Jesus' mother, Mary, asked him to help, and despite initially expressing reluctance, he eventually instructed the servants to fill large jars with water.
The servants followed Jesus' instructions, and when they later served the water to the guests, it had been transformed into wine - an act of divine intervention that the guests were amazed by. Yet, it is important to note that while the guests were the beneficiaries of the miracle, it was the servants who were the ones who witnessed it firsthand. They were the ones who filled the jars and served the wine and therefore were co-workers in the miracle that Jesus performed. When we serve others, we open ourselves up to the possibility of being used by God to bring about His purposes on earth.
3.Serving helps us to be more like Jesus
In today's society, it is common for individuals to be influenced by the belief that the key to success is to take as much as possible. This perspective has been deeply ingrained into the minds of many through societal norms and media.
But when we serve, we shift our focus off ourselves onto others through serving. We begin to see others as Jesus sees them. And we see Jesus in others. And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.' (Matthew 25:40)
4.Serving increases our faith
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, (Ephesians 3:20)
When we stay within our comfort zones, we limit ourselves to what we already know and can do. But as we step out in faith and take on new challenges, we open ourselves up to new experiences and opportunities. Through these experiences, God can reveal new potential and increase our faith in Him.
It can be scary to take that first step outside of our comfort zones, but as we trust in God and His plans for our lives, we can find the courage to try new things and take on new challenges. When we do, we often discover strengths and abilities we never knew we had, and we may even inspire others to step out of their own comfort zones as well. As we begin to see what God can do through us when we trust in His power, we start to look for the doors He's opening instead of trying to force our way through the ones He's closed.
5.Serving is good for your soul
Research has consistently shown that serving is not just good for the people or organizations being served but also beneficial to the individuals who volunteer their time and skills. Numerous studies have shown that volunteering can positively impact our mental and physical health.
Furthermore, serving can also be a great distraction from our worries. When we focus on the needs and well-being of others, we are less likely to dwell on our own problems or stressors. In other words, serving can be a powerful form of self-care.
Despite all these benefits, many of us still find excuses for not serving. We may feel like we don't have enough time, that our skills aren't useful, or that we don't know where to start. However, these excuses are often just that - excuses. By taking small steps and finding ways to serve that align with our passions and interests, we can experience the many benefits of serving while positively impacting the Kingdom of God.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you today with a grateful heart, acknowledging that you have given me unique gifts and passions. I ask for the courage and willingness to step out of my comfort zones and use these gifts to serve others and build up your Kingdom.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I confess my excuses for not serving. Help me overcome these excuses.
Father, as I serve you and your people, reveal new things to me. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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