It was told Jehoshaphat, A great multitude has come against you from beyond the [Dead] Sea, from Edom; and behold they are in Hazazon-tamar, which is En-gedi. (2 Chronicles 20:2)
Scripture says, “It was told Jehoshaphat”. This is the voice of the world and not the voice of the Lord. It could be a bad report etc
Then Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself [determinedly, as his vital need] to seek the Lord; he proclaimed a fast in all Judah. (2 Chronicles 20:3)
The voice of the world will always bring fear. But Jehoshaphat set himself to seek the Lord. If fear has to drive you to something, then let it be to seek the Lord. Seek the Lord with fasting. Prayer combined with fasting has great spiritual potential.
And Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord [yearning for Him with all their desire]. (2 Chronicles 20:4)
Jehoshaphat not only fasted as an individual but as a corporate body. You and your family could fast as a corporate body. This is an example of a corporate fast.
Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; (Leviticus 26:8)
5 - 100, this means 1 Person is chasing 20
100 - 10000, this means 1 Person is chasing 100
Power exponentially multiplies when people come together.
O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12)
This verse is part of a prayer the King Jehoshaphat offered to God when a great multitude surrounded them.
Prayer does not deny reality. Prayer does not close our eyes to reality or make us run away from it. In fact, true prayer has the power to change reality. This is one of the reasons every Christian must give himself to earnest prayer.
King Jehoshaphat admitted that they had no power against the great multitude that had gathered against them. He also admitted that, “they were not sure what to do about the situation.”
There are times in life when the pressures of life overwhelm us, and at such times we are not sure what to do next. One thing you can do is, open up your heart to God. The simplest definition of prayer is “opening your heart to the Lord.” Tell Him all.
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. (James 5:13)
22 And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who had come against Judah, and they were [self-] slaughtered;
23 For [suspecting betrayal], the men of Ammon and Moab rose against those of Mount Seir, utterly destroying them. And when they had made an end of the men of Seir, they all helped to destroy one another. (2 Chronicles 20:22,23)
In Psalm 40:14, David prayed: “Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion who seek to destroy my life” (NKJV). Mutual confusion! Confusion is a weapon in the hand of God to fight the enemies of His children.
Prophet Jeremiah also prayed. He said, “But the LORD is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten” (Jeremiah 20:11). Everlasting confusion! That’s serious. Your enemy, and not you, will be thrown into confusion as the Lord fights for you.
Zechariah 12:4 says, “‘In that day,’ says the LORD, ‘I will strike every horse with confusion, and its rider with madness; I will open My eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness” (New King James Version). Did you see that word confusion again? It is one of God’s weapons to fight His enemies.
This season, the Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. He will throw your stubborn enemies into confusion, and they won’t know what to do. You shall enjoy total victory in Jesus’ name. Praise and worship will bring confusion to the enemy camp.
On the fourth day, they assembled in the Valley of Beracah. There they blessed the Lord. So the name of the place is still called the Valley of Beracah [blessing]. (2 Chronicles 20:26)
Notice Beracah was a valley, and yet it was a blessing. Though I pass through the valley of the shadow of death. God is God of the mountains and the valleys.
Scripture says, “It was told Jehoshaphat”. This is the voice of the world and not the voice of the Lord. It could be a bad report etc
Then Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself [determinedly, as his vital need] to seek the Lord; he proclaimed a fast in all Judah. (2 Chronicles 20:3)
The voice of the world will always bring fear. But Jehoshaphat set himself to seek the Lord. If fear has to drive you to something, then let it be to seek the Lord. Seek the Lord with fasting. Prayer combined with fasting has great spiritual potential.
And Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord; even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord [yearning for Him with all their desire]. (2 Chronicles 20:4)
Jehoshaphat not only fasted as an individual but as a corporate body. You and your family could fast as a corporate body. This is an example of a corporate fast.
Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; (Leviticus 26:8)
5 - 100, this means 1 Person is chasing 20
100 - 10000, this means 1 Person is chasing 100
Power exponentially multiplies when people come together.
O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12)
This verse is part of a prayer the King Jehoshaphat offered to God when a great multitude surrounded them.
Prayer does not deny reality. Prayer does not close our eyes to reality or make us run away from it. In fact, true prayer has the power to change reality. This is one of the reasons every Christian must give himself to earnest prayer.
King Jehoshaphat admitted that they had no power against the great multitude that had gathered against them. He also admitted that, “they were not sure what to do about the situation.”
There are times in life when the pressures of life overwhelm us, and at such times we are not sure what to do next. One thing you can do is, open up your heart to God. The simplest definition of prayer is “opening your heart to the Lord.” Tell Him all.
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. (James 5:13)
22 And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who had come against Judah, and they were [self-] slaughtered;
23 For [suspecting betrayal], the men of Ammon and Moab rose against those of Mount Seir, utterly destroying them. And when they had made an end of the men of Seir, they all helped to destroy one another. (2 Chronicles 20:22,23)
In Psalm 40:14, David prayed: “Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion who seek to destroy my life” (NKJV). Mutual confusion! Confusion is a weapon in the hand of God to fight the enemies of His children.
Prophet Jeremiah also prayed. He said, “But the LORD is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten” (Jeremiah 20:11). Everlasting confusion! That’s serious. Your enemy, and not you, will be thrown into confusion as the Lord fights for you.
Zechariah 12:4 says, “‘In that day,’ says the LORD, ‘I will strike every horse with confusion, and its rider with madness; I will open My eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness” (New King James Version). Did you see that word confusion again? It is one of God’s weapons to fight His enemies.
This season, the Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. He will throw your stubborn enemies into confusion, and they won’t know what to do. You shall enjoy total victory in Jesus’ name. Praise and worship will bring confusion to the enemy camp.
On the fourth day, they assembled in the Valley of Beracah. There they blessed the Lord. So the name of the place is still called the Valley of Beracah [blessing]. (2 Chronicles 20:26)
Notice Beracah was a valley, and yet it was a blessing. Though I pass through the valley of the shadow of death. God is God of the mountains and the valleys.
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