I know of men and women (couples) who could not have children for years because of barrenness. They had been to the best doctors and tried the latest and best medical procedures but nothing worked for them. Even the most fervent prayers could not make a difference, until they started honouring God with their giving.
Honor the Lord with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
So your barns will be filled with plenty,
And your vats will overflow with new wine. (Proverbs 3:9-10)
When a person makes a choice to honour God with their giving, it releases the new wine which is symbolic of the anointing. The anointing in turn always destroys yokes. (Isaiah 10:27) I have seen wombs which were unable to bear earlier were miraculously opened and God gave them the desires of their heart.
God is not a respecter of persons but of His principles. (Acts 10:34). For God’s principles to be effective in your life, you have to diligently put them to practice. There are principles in God’s word for every situation that you might be facing which when obeyed and put into practice will change your situation in your favour and bring glory and honour to Him.
The big problem is that most people are so tied up to their wealth; it's almost like a soul tie. To get them to release anything towards the work of God is very difficult. They will fight you with everything they can. Is it any wonder then that the devourer has a free reign in their life?
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- The Little Foxes
- Terminating Generational Patterns of Barrenness and Delay
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- The Force of Light
- Kingdom Mandate
- Faith for Fruitfulness
- Go For The Anointing
- The Force of Prayers
- Giving Breaks Hidden Yokes
- Sing O Barren
- The Seed Must Be Protected