“And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it]." (John 1:5 AMP)
The kingdom of God operates with keys, and no matter what you are going through, there is a specific key that can unlock the desired change. No amount of crying can open a closed door, what you need is a key, not to stand in front of the door crying.
I want you to make up your mind to go after the kingdom keys needed for terminating the spirit of barrenness and delay. If you are in need of prosperity, your study of the word should be focused on prosperity. What you need is a focused study, not a general study. If you have an exam, you have to study for the specific paper that you are about to do. You can’t be having a mathematics exam and be studying English or physics, you’ll fail. A focused study will generate the heat and light needed to overcome the delay that you are experiencing.
You need to pick up the word, and study for yourself, to know the redemption package and covenant rights that you have in the word. You’ve heard about God too much; it’s time to hear from God directly. There are some things that others can do for you, but there are some things that nobody can do for you. Nobody can eat for you, and nobody can sleep for you. Whatever you want, you have to go and get it yourself.
8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ (Matthew 25:8-9)
There is a spiritual responsibility placed on you to “buy for yourself.” The five foolish holy virgins lacked enough oil, the oil is needed for their lamps to burn, and the five wise virgins had to call their attention to the spiritual responsibility placed on them.
There is no immovable mountain anywhere; we only have ignorant people that see the mountain bigger than the true living God. Every mountain of darkness responds to the force of light; you need the force of light that will break the force of barrenness.
“Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning.” (Psalm 119:130 MSG)
The word must break open before you; the entrance of the word must penetrate your heart before light can be produced. Having one hundred scriptures on your head is not going to produce any tangible result; what you need is to get the word into your heart. Memorize the word and meditate on it till it sinks into your heart. One word can solve it; you don’t need one thousand scriptures or one hundred scriptures.
Actively engage in deep study and search, sit down with the word. Spend days and weeks searching, growing, and knowing. Your spirit man needs to be fed with much light that will guarantee a change of level. While you are studying, the light will break forth into your spirit and heart. The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to a new insight; that insight is the key you need for breaking the yoke of barrenness.
Here are things you must do once you gain access to the light.
1. Rise and Act on the Revelation that you Have Received
Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1)
The command is “arise.” Remember that while studying, memorizing, and meditating that you were sitting, now that you have the word, it’s time to stand up and swing to action.
The insight you get will come with instructions; it will come with what to do or pray. Revelations come with instructions. Arise with the revelation, and put to work whatever instructions that God has laid on your heart, for therein lies your fruitfulness and change of story.
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)
Faith-walk is not brain-work; it is beyond sense and what the mind can understand. Aside from the light that the revelation will produce, another thing that will be produced by the revelation is faith. You need this spirit of faith in order to make bold proclamations and actions. When your action is backed up by faith, testimonies are inevitable.
Revelations are:
- Divine transmissions of the faith of God.
- Divine transmissions of the Spirit of God.
- Divine transmissions of the life of God.
- Divine transmissions of the power of God to human vessels.
Your turnaround is here, it’s time for you to hear something in the place of study, and it’s time for you to see something from the word. What you see and hear will produce light and faith. You must take the time to know God for yourself, don’t push your responsibility to your pastor, to some prophet in town, or the church.
2. Make bold proclamations - Speak to your mountains
God formed the world by His word; this is clear proof that every creature has ears. Mountains have ears; they were formed with words, and they can hear words. Jesus Christ spoke to the wind, the sea, the trees and also told us to speak to mountains because every creature has ears; they can hear words.
If you are too silent, you will be cheated. The devil has no respect for the faith in your heart; he only respects and obeys the faith that speaks. As long as the faith is not vocalized, it cannot produce results. The miraculous is triggered through your bold proclamations.
“You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favour] shall shine upon your ways.” (Job 22:28 AMP)
Each day you must be making bold proclamations such as:
I am fruitful, and I receive my miracle baby in Jesus name.”
“I cannot be barren, it is written….. (then you quote the light, the scriptures that you have gotten,”
“every mountain, forces, yokes, and operations of darkness affecting my childbearing is terminated and destroyed by the fire of Holy Ghost, for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that the works of the devil might be destroyed. Therefore I curse, and I destroy barrenness, delay and unfruitfulness in my life and marriage in Jesus name.”
These and many more are declarations that you should be making daily, as many times as possible. Don’t be timid, be courageous and bold, for the Lord your God will honour your words and do as you have spoken.
Say to them, ‘As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you (Numbers 14:28)
3. War with the Word
The Word of God is the sword of the spirit; every revelation is a sword that can be used for spiritual warfare. Don’t just hold the revelation in your heart; use it for warfare. You must engage in forceful spiritual action and warfare in the place of prayer. The devil is not ready to give you what is rightfully yours; you need to fight for it. I thank God for good grammar, but it will not get the job done; what we need is the power of God. The revelation you have received is the power you need for combat against the forces of darkness holding on to your inheritance.
“…and the word of God as the sword which the Spirit gives you.” (Ephesians 6:17-18 GNT)
The Word of God is the sword; the Holy Spirit gives you the sword through revelation. If you are lazy to study, that means you are convenient with what you are going through. Miracles are worked out; that is why it is called the “workings of miracles,” the opposite of miracle is magic. God is not a magician; magic is of the devil. If you want a miracle, you have to work out the miracle; you must war with the Word in order for the miracle you desire to manifest.
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- The Little Foxes
- Terminating Generational Patterns of Barrenness and Delay
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- The Force of Light
- Kingdom Mandate
- Faith for Fruitfulness
- Go For The Anointing
- The Force of Prayers
- Giving Breaks Hidden Yokes
- Sing O Barren
- The Seed Must Be Protected