When God’s priority becomes your priority, your desire for a child also becomes His priority. You cannot have an interest in God, and God will not have an interest in you. Many people want to use God; they think that God is like a lottery or jackpot. They are not ready to love or serve God, yet they want God to give them what they desire.
Over the years, I have seen many even come to church only with the motive of getting answers to their prayers. Your motives must be right; going to church is for fellowship and communion with God. In the process, you can ask Him for what you want, but the goal in itself is not going to church because you want to ask something from God.
Hannah wanted a child, but God wanted a prophet for Israel. Her barrenness was terminated the day she aligned with God’s interest. Why do you want a child from God? Do you plan to raise the child for God? Do you plan to see the child do the will of God? What if God wants the child to do a specific task at a certain age that is contrary to your plans and wishes? Are you a vessel that wants to advance the kingdom of God, or do you just want to have a child for the sake of having one?
“But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.” Matthew 6:33 (AMP)
God’s interest must become your interest, and every other thing, including children, shall be added unto you. Remember our father of faith? He was sold out to God, and God gave him his heart desires and even sealed it up with a covenant.
Seeking first the kingdom of God may not be convenient, but it is beneficial. It was not convenient for Hannah to release her first child after many years of waiting, but she did. It was not convenient for Abraham to take Isaac to the mountain after many years of waiting, but he did. You can’t deceive God, He knows if you have His interest at heart, you can deceive your pastor, fellow Christians, but you can’t deceive God. You have to place God’s interest above personal interest, spouse, friends, and loved ones.
Zechariah and Elizabeth were sold out to God’s service and kingdom, they did not allow their childlessness to affect their devotion to God, and that which they needed (a child) was added to them in due time. (See Luke 1:5-25)
Some Christians think they can put God under pressure to act; they even threaten to return to the world; they think being saved is a favour to God. Some draw back from their heartfelt service in the church department because they feel that God has abandoned them.
God’s time is the best, be faithful in the place of your assignment. Serve Him with love and commitment; He will bless you, and His name shall be glorified in your life.
Kingdom addicts attract kingdom resources and attention. Your desire must align with His desire; anything outside His desire for your life will not be granted.
And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure. (James 4:3 NLT)
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