The anointing is not the one in a bottle; it is the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of misunderstanding about the Holy Spirit and the anointing. The anointing oil is just a bottle of oil; it is when prayer is made on it that it becomes consecrated, and the power of God envelopes it.
The Holy Spirit is the anointing; He is also the power of God. The Holy Spirit is not a force, a feeling, a wind, nor fire. He is a person, He speaks, feels, moves, sees. He is a living being, not a force. Holy Spirit is in charge of God’s operations and activities, this is His dispensation, and without Him, you cannot do anything for God.
His presence is the anointing, and that anointing is what you need for yokes to break. The anointing puts you in command of life’s affair; you command and control.
All the miracles performed by Christ were done through the Holy Spirit. From Genesis to Revelations, the move and operation of God involves the Holy Spirit. Samson was a mighty man with great strength, but when the Holy Spirit left him, he became an ordinary man. The filling of the Holy Spirit is what turns ordinary to extraordinary, natural to supernatural. Miracles are the workings of the Holy Spirit; healings are also the works of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, no matter what is affecting your fruitfulness, what you need is the anointing.
It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil. (Isaiah 10:27)
The more you grow in the anointing, the more it destroys yokes in different areas of your life. The anointing is yoke-breaking, it is anti-yoke, and no yoke can survive or co-exist with the anointing.
“If the Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from death, lives in you, then He who raised Christ from death will also give life to your mortal bodies by the presence of His Spirit in you.” (Romans 8:11 GNT)
Holy Spirit can quicken (give life) to your body and empower you to be fruitful. No matter what the enemy has done against your reproductive ability, the Holy Spirit can break the yoke and quicken your mortal body again. When you understand His ability, it becomes easy to tap into unlimited possibilities.
The anointing is the power of God at work in the affairs of men; nothing is hard or impossible for the anointing. Therefore, if you go for the anointing, the anointing will go after every battle and yoke troubling your marriage.
The goal, therefore, is to be filled with the anointing. However, I also need to call your attention to this; the devil has put in place measures to block you from increasing in the anointing or to rob you of the anointing. It’s good to work, to check the internet, to be busy and productive, but when these things rob you of the anointing, then it is not good.
The devil has indirectly manipulated these things, and through them, he diverts your attention and robs you of that quality time that you ought to spend with God. He wants you to be Martha, busy doing instead of becoming like Mary, who was busy learning and growing in the anointing. (See Luke 10:38-42). If the devil were to attack Mary and Martha, it is beyond reasonable doubt that Martha would fall easily because she had no depth and less anointing to withstand the devil’s attack.
If you want to grow in the anointing, you must learn to do the following:
- Walk in love.
- Memorize and Meditate on the promises of God. (Joshua 1:8, Luke 10:19)
- Study the word. (John 8:32)
- Fast and pray. (Isaiah 58:6-12, Matthew 17:21)
- Worship and fellowship with God in spirit and truth. (John 4: 23-24)
These are trying times for you and your family, and I understand that, but you must spend more time with God, prayer and fasting, study, meditation in order to grow in the anointing. These are channels where the anointing flows; ignoring those godly exercises will not change anything.
The anointing is also God’s empowerment that guarantees our victories in the battles of life. David’s victory over Goliath is rooted in the anointing that came upon him when Samuel anointed Him.
“Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him… and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward.” (1 Samuel 16:13)
Others could not fight Goliath because they lacked the anointing, but David got cheap victories over the giant because the Spirit of God (the anointing) was upon him.
Whatever is stopping you from becoming fruitful in marriage is a giant that you must throw down, but you can’t win the fight without the anointing. Many people carelessly say the devil has no power; that’s a big lie; the devil has power. The word of God says that he can kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10); it takes power to resist him when he wants to steal from you or recover what he has stolen. It takes power to live and overcome his attack to kill you. It takes power to destroy his works.
The anointing can empower a woman’s womb, a man’s sperm; it can do a surgical operation in you or your spouse. The anointing can work in endless ways.
It’s time for you to go for the anointing and also grow in the anointing. It is not enough to be filled with the anointing; you must grow in the anointing for you to claim some major victories in the spirit realm.
Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all (Galatians 4:1)
Your level of growth in the anointing will determine the speed and level of victories that you will enjoy. It also depends on how deep the works of the devil have penetrated your life and family. The level of penetration by the enemy will also determine your level of growth because you must match up with the enemy in the fight for your fruitfulness.
I see God turning around your case; you are not barren anymore in Jesus name. God is vising you with miracle babies in Jesus name.
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