Daily Manna
List View
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By Date
- All
- Addictions 2
- Altar 4
- Angels 23
- Anger 27
- Anointing 4
- Anxiety 5
- Association 7
- Atmosphere 19
- Attitude 8
- Authority 9
- Beliefs 14
- Believe 1
- Betrayal 14
- Bible 5
- Bitterness 6
- Blame Shifting 3
- Blessing 14
- Blood of Jesus 2
- Breaking Evil Patterns 3
- Breakthrough 4
- Calling 10
- Change 7
- Character 68
- Children 5
- Choices 30
- Christmas 4
- Comfort Zone 1
- Commitment 15
- Communication 1
- Complacency 13
- Compromise 8
- Confessing the Word 4
- Connected 1
- Conquering 4
- Consistency 3
- Contentment 1
- Counsel of the Lord 2
- Crowd 1
- Curses 1
- Death 6
- Debt 3
- Deception 30
- Decisions 7
- Deity of Christ 10
- Deliverance 61
- Discipleship 62
- Discipline 16
- Discouragement 2
- Disobedience 2
- Distraction 15
- Distraction In His Presence 2
- Divine Assignment 3
- Divine Guidence 2
- Divine Order 3
- Divine Visitation 8
- Doctrine 10
- Doors 3
- Dreams 8
- Emotions 46
- Encounter 1
- End time 9
- Evangelism 2
- Excellence 20
- Exercise 1
- Faith 42
- Faithfullness 17
- Family 4
- Fasting and Prayer 116
- Fear 11
- Fellowship 5
- Financial Deliverance 18
- Fire of God 4
- Focus 3
- Following Jesus 18
- Forgiveness 10
- Friendship 8
- Fruit of the Spirit 13
- Future 2
- Gatekeepers 1
- Gates 1
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit 6
- Giving 25
- Goals 2
- God's Favor 4
- God's Plan 12
- Good News 2
- Gospel 1
- Gossip 4
- Grace 19
- Grave 2
- Grief 1
- Habits 6
- Health and Healing 6
- Hearing 3
- Heaven 5
- Hell 3
- Holy Spirit 8
- Home 14
- Honour 14
- Human Heart 22
- Humility 6
- Imagination 4
- Influence 10
- Inquire 2
- Intercession 20
- Intercessor 4
- Intimacy with God 31
- Israel 2
- Jealousy 6
- Job 1
- Joy 3
- Kindness 3
- Language 3
- Leadership 14
- Life 2
- Life Lessons 8
- Loneliness 3
- Love 20
- Love of God 3
- Loyalty 2
- Lust 1
- Maturity 9
- Meditation 3
- Mental Health 13
- Mentor 7
- Mind 6
- Money 7
- Money Management 10
- Mother's Day 2
- Motive 9
- Murmuring 1
- Name of Jesus 2
- Names and Titles of the Spirit 24
- Names of God 4
- New Nature 4
- Obedience 15
- Offence 4
- Old Paths 1
- Operating in the Miraculous 2
- Our Identity in Christ 24
- Overcomer 7
- Pain 2
- Parables of Jesus 2
- Parents 10
- Past 2
- Past In His Presence 1
- Peace 14
- Pentecost 6
- Persecution 5
- Pillars 1
- Pornography 3
- Power of God 7
- Power of the Seed 3
- Praise 12
- Prayer 54
- Prayer of Jabez 7
- Prayerlessness 3
- Preparation 4
- Presence of God 8
- Price 4
- Pride 4
- Priorities 20
- Procrastination 1
- Progress 2
- Promises of God 10
- Promotion 2
- Prophecy 8
- Prophet 1
- Prophetic 1
- Prophetic Song 6
- Prophetic Word 9
- Prosperity 3
- Provision 10
- Pruning 4
- Psalm Sunday 4
- Purpose 6
- Rapture 3
- Recognition 4
- Reflect 1
- Relationships 23
- Religious Spirit 4
- Renewing the Mind 7
- Repentance 5
- Responsibility 2
- Restoration 5
- Revenge 4
- Roots 1
- Sacrifice 6
- Salt of the Earth 1
- Salvation 17
- Sanctification 4
- Satisfaction 1
- Secrets of Esther: Series 40
- Self Control 29
- Self Examination 7
- Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit 7
- Servanthood 1
- Serving 6
- Silence 1
- Sin 20
- Soul-Winning 1
- Speaking in Tongues 7
- Speech 1
- Spirit of God 6
- Spiritual Clothes 5
- Spiritual Father 1
- Spiritual Fitness 4
- Spiritual Growth 8
- Spiritual Pride 12
- Spiritual Race 6
- Spiritual Sight 13
- Spiritual Strength 4
- Spiritual Walk 14
- Spiritual Warfare 17
- Storms 11
- Stress 7
- Success 2
- Suffering 2
- Surrender 16
- Temptation 19
- Testimony 10
- Testing 5
- Thanksgiving 7
- The 7 Spirits of God 24
- Thirst 1
- Thoughts 2
- Time 3
- Time Management 1
- Tongue 7
- Transformation 31
- Trials 3
- Triumphal Entry 4
- True Witness 10
- Trust in God 6
- Vigilance 2
- Vigilance In His Presence 1
- Waiting 3
- Will of God 5
- Wisdom 16
- Wise men 7
- Word of God 27
- Workplace 6
- Works 2
- Worldly Temptations 1
- Worship 10
- Youth 4